Tuesday, March 18, 2025

#77 / Direct Action On The "Climate Crisis"


I do not, personally, like to talk about "Global Warming" under the rubric of "Climate," or "Climate Change." Human-caused "Global Warming," or "Global Heating," is what is actually going on, and what is causing all the climate-related issues we have come to consider as "normal." Nonetheless, and despite my personal linguistic preferences, the illustration above does come from a website that references "Climate." I am using it becauae I think that the image conveys an important message, which can be grasped even by those who do not, actually, read what I am writing about today. My title, therefore, reflects the source of the image which heads up this blog posting. It also references the statement I have included, below, which also uses "Climate" to describe the challenges now facing us. 

Today's blog posting is, essentially, to pass on the statement that I have included below. The statement is one that I received by way of an email from an instructor at Cabrillo Community College, addressed to those who are part of a "Sunrise Santa Cruz" listserve, which focuses on the Global Warming challenge to human civilization. The photo, taken in our Nation's Capital, includes two members of Sunrise Santa Cruz, proudly present to argue for dramatic changes in national policy.

What do you think about the idea put forward by that Cabrillo College Instructor (see below)? Do you think that we would be willing to occupy our nation's capital until our elected representatives actually start taking action on our Global Warming Crisis?

I would like to think that we could muster the kind of action described below. See what you think. Next step would be to do some planning for such a direct action - what would be an ongoing "occupation" of the nation's capital until our elected officials start taking actions that they have avoided taking so far. Maybe the occupation could begin on the first day of Summer (June 20, 2025), as things start really heating up - as forests burn and heat deaths grow. How about that?


A strong presence in DC is key to getting momentum in a good direction. For 14 years of teaching Climate Science now, I've had as my primary recommended action, to launch an occupation of DC 'Occupy DC for Climate" with a rotating army of ~1/2 million people who will serve a ~1 week "tour of duty" with their backpack and total self-containment, before rotating home and another take their place. A large enough group they cannot be jailed, cannot be "disappeared", cannot be hauled off without a half million iPhones capturing the actions of the police or National Guard against its own citizens. Citizens scrupulously obeying non-violence of course. Not a weekend march, but an occupation, with clear specific legislative demands to be enacted before the Occupation disbands. In contraast, One-on-one with your congressperson is NOT effective. Not when Party Unity is the insistence, and so no individual Republican or Democrat will dare break ranks, poke head above fox-hole, with their party, for fear of being "primaried" out next time, or worse. But if ALL are in the Capitol, looking out over a mob of insistent citizens - it has a very different effect, and the threat to their domination over the People is felt as real. They may begin to take more seriously that nagging guilt inside them, of being a coward towards defending the best of Democracy and honorable welfare (emphasis added).

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