Sunday, March 9, 2025

#68 / Seen A Shooting Star Tonight


As I have revealed before, I have amalgamated a listing of what I have been calling, "Memorial Songs." These songs remind me, as I listen, of how wonderful it has been to have been alive. That's a good kind of reminder to have on a Sunday, when our minds might turn, even just briefly, to matters celestial. Please feel free to click the link I have provided, and listen to those "Memorial Songs" yourself.

One of my favorite songs on the list - they are almost all by Bob Dylan - is "Shooting Star," written in 1989. You can click this link to listen. "Shooting Star" is a nice song for a Sunday, since it does raise those "memorial" kind of questions, the kind of questions, I think, that we all ask ourselves from time to time - or that we should ask ourselves, anyway: 

Seen a shooting star tonight

And I thought of me

If I was still the same

If I ever became what you wanted me to be

Did I miss the mark or overstep the line

That only you could see?

Seen a shooting star tonight

And I thought of me

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