I read The Devil's Best Trick some time ago, and I liked it. Let me recommend it to you, now. The author of this book, Randall Sullivan, is not an "academic" writer. He is, in fact, a journalist, having written for Rolling Stone, Wired, Esquire, The Guardian, and The Washington Post.
Consistent with the author's journalistic vocation, The Devil's Best Trick is not just a book-based investigation; it's not just a cultural history of the Devil. In his research for the book, Sullivan travels to what might be called various "war zones," where Evil can be seen to be at work - and thus can be reported on. These are places where people tell of real experiences of the Devil - with the Devil being understood not as some abstract idea, but as a living being, as an all-too-real malign and destructive agent.
The Bible references "Evil" by talking about the "principalities and the powers" that are dedicated to works of evil in our world. Sullivan's book suggests that we take seriously this idea, and it seems to me that two components of belief are required, if you want fully to relate to what Sullivan is writing about: (1) First, you would have to believe that there is, actually, such a thing as genuine "Evil," which is somethng different from and independent of those occurrences and events that we count as simply harmful, unfortunate, and distressing. (2) Second, you would have to contemplate the possibility that "Evil" might have its own human and non-human agents in our world, intentionally and affirmatively working to undermine all that is good, decent, honest, and true, and thus helping "Evil" to prevail.
If you don't really believe that what I have just described is true - that there is genuine "Evil" in our world, and that there are "agents" abroad in our world, trying to make "Evil" prevail over "Good," you are definitely not alone. In fact, I am betting that most people reading this blog posting do not believe that an actual "Devil" exists, actively working to make sure that evil prevails in the world. But if there is such a "Devil," despite the fact that you don't really buy into that, then you can properly appreciate Sullivan's title.
Many, today, if not most, think of "Evil" as just the name we have given to the bad things that happen in the world. It's a word we use to characterize things we find distressing, or unfortunate, or "horrible" - as opposed to things that are the product of intentional actions by real beings that are opposed to, and that are intentionally taken to undermine, all that is good, and honest, and fair.
Well..... I'd say we might want to consider this. IF there were an actual and independent agent of "Evil" abroad in the world, and if our understanding of "Evil," as just outlined makes us fail to see that this is true....
Well..... That would be a pretty impressive trick!
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