Wednesday, November 13, 2024

#318 / John Donne And A Reader's Response

My blog posting from yesterday, featuring some words of wisdom from The Lorax, a wonderful children's book by Dr. Seuss, evoked a response from one of my readers. 

Let me say, I don't get many responses to my blog postings, which leads me to appreciate and treasure them when such responses are sent my way. My blog is not, actually, intended to educate or indoctrinate (or to provoke response and dialogue); it is, basically, the way that I have chosen to compel myself to "think" about the "Two Worlds" in which we live, and to document my thoughts. Still, when my thoughts are read and taken seriously by someone, I am truly delighted!

In this case, the response I received on my ruminations about the quote from The Lorax, the quote that I featured yesterday, struck me as important, and I have been stimulated to respond to the response! 

In connection with my "response to the response," I have called upon the assistance of John Donne, whose poem, "No Man Is An Island," is probably known to most who are reading this. Please feel free to substitute "Person" for "Man," to update the language utilized by Mr. Donne, who is pictured above. He was writing in the 14th Century, which accounts for his word choice. Most readers will not fail to note that the recent presidential election seems to provide some evidence that there are a substantial number of people who have not yet caught up with realities and language appropriate to the 21st Century, in which we now "live and move and have our being."

Please click here to review my blog posting from yesterday. Following is the response I received from a reader: 

I have that quote on my refrigerator. The quote ... is, of course, attributed to Dr. Seuss. And it shows a big dog lying down looking very glum, with those words above him. Yes, I care an awful lot. And among my friends and acquaintances, I seem to be out in left field. No one is an "activist" in any way. Most of my older friends don't even support environmental or humanitarian causes. 
All I can do is to write letters. And this week I will be writing President Biden, to tell him that his handling of the withdrawal from Afghanistan and the unbridled chaos at the southern border is what made people I know leave the Democratic persuasion. And of course, his decision to run for another stint in the White House lost ME, that's for sure! I wrote and called many times last year to suggest that he start looking for a male senator to take his place in the next election. Kamala made mistakes--bashing DJT instead of proposing much needed changes! That is exactly what PBS did in 2016. All we heard every night were the insane things that DJT said, and not one word about Hillary Clinton! 
We can't even call the White House! They never pick up the phone. And the V/M gives us only two minutes. And is only available Mon-Thurs from 10 to 4 eastern time, except even then, no live person ever responds. 
I'm done with politics, Gary. I have my own problems to deal with and I've been remiss in getting things done. No more. I'm dedicating my life to me now, since no one is taking care of this old lady BUT me! 
Thanks for listening.

My bet is that this response to my blog posting will have captured the thoughts and feelings of many who might read my blog. So... here is my response to the response: 

I completely endorse the idea that you need to “take care of yourself!” 
I guess my only observation is this. Who we “are” (even as individuals) is sometimes not “self-evident.” “We” are not only individuals. We are individuals, but that is only part of who we are. I often put it this way, in my blog: “We are in this together,” with “this” meaning “life.” To care for "ourselves," we need to care for others, too.
John Donne said it more eloquently:
No Man Is an Island
No man is an island, 
Entire of itself;
Every man is a piece of the continent,
A part of the main.
If a clod be washed away by the sea,
Europe is the less,
As well as if a promontory were:
As well as if a manor of thy friend's
Or of thine own were.
Any man's death diminishes me,
Because I am involved in mankind.
And therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls;
It tolls for thee.

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