Saturday, September 7, 2024

#251 / Keeping Our Seatbelts Fastened


An online news story, published on August 29, 2024, was titled as follows: "‘Severe Turbulence’ on United Airlines Boeing 737 Leaves Seven Injured." The affected flight, originating in Cancun, Mexico, was headed to Chicago, and the turbulence occurred over Louisiana. The flight was diverted to Memphis, Tennessee.

Similar incidents of "severe turbulence" have been noted before. For instance, as the August 29th article reports: "On Aug. 4, 10 passengers and four flight attendants were injured on a Korean Air flight from South Korea to Mongolia, after turbulence flung passengers from their seats and showered the cabin with food debris." 

In one of my earlier blog postings, published on June 1st of this year, I talked about a couple of other incidents, one of which resulted in a passenger death. Consult "Prepare For Turbulence Ahead" if you'd like to start inventorying the stories.

If we are serious, we will realize that these incidents are examples of how global warming is rapidly changing our world. Continuing and growing "severe turbulence" could make commercial air service nearly impossible. 

It's kind of a crisis, really! "Keeping our seatbelts fastened" is not going to be enough!

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