Thursday, August 1, 2024

#214 / When We Go "Ew" - What's Weird In Politics

The Governor of Minnesota, Tim Walz (he's a Democrat), has recently commented on the Republican Party ticket (Trump and Vance):

“These guys are just weird,” he laughed ... later continuing: “We’re not afraid of weird people. We’re a little bit creeped out, but we’re not afraid.”
Apparently, this observation about the "weirdness" of the Republican Party ticket has caused some consternation among the Republican Party hierarchy. That, at least, is what The Washington Post reports:

A central pillar of Trump’s campaign is the idea that liberals are perverted misfits who want to tear down American values. Married men and women who have children are normal, but couples without children, or parents without partners, or children with two dads, or women who have two children but also once had an abortion — those people are morally deficient. 
All of this is old-school puritanism, but Trump brought it all into a pep rally atmosphere. Not only was it morally correct to pass judgment, but it was also festive and fun. They were strong; libs were weak. They were right; libs were wrong. They were with the prom king, who was telling them they were awesome, and the libs were outcasts in the library, probably being read to by a drag queen.

“Weird” intrudes on that narrative. It doesn’t entirely upend it, but it does plant a seed of doubt. What if, instead of being admired or feared, [Trump and Vance] are instead being laughed at? What if, instead of edgelords, they are actually just the kids in the corner eating glue off their hands? [Emphasis added]

I don't really quite get that "eating glue off their hands" observation. I presume that my failure to understand that reference is some kind of generational thing. However, I do know about "weird," as a general concept, even if I am a bit unclear about the glue-eating example.

My own familiarity with "weird" now being avowed, let me say how happy I am that Governor Walz has highlighted the genuine "weirdness" of both Donald Trump and his recently-anoited partner, J.D. Vance. 

Trump and Vance really are "weird," and it's worth pointing that out. Michelle Obama, who also knows "weird" when she sees it, has summarized her reaction to Trump and Vance in the statement below, as reported in The Post. Speaking about the Republican Party candidates for president and vice-president, here's how Michelle Obama has reacted:

"They go low," says Michelle

We go, "ew." 

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