Tuesday, July 23, 2024

#205 / D.J - J.D. (And A Chance To Smile)

Most will recognize Narcissus, portrayed above. Narcissus is said to have died, gazing into a mirror, so fascinated was he by his own image that he simply could not bring himself, ever, to turn away from that image, as he was there portrayed in that reflection of himself. 

Of course, as we all know, an image in a mirror appears in "reverse." It is thought-provoking, thus, to contemplate the Republican Party ticket, this time around. It consists of D.J. Trump, and J.D. Vance. Fascinating, indeed!

Trump and Vance are both narcissists, at least as I interpret the medical definition

Narcissism is extreme self-involvement to the degree that it makes a person ignore the needs of those around them.

We know about Trump's narcissism from experience, and having now read Vance's Hillbilly Elegy, in its entirety, I can reliably testify that Vance is Trump's equal in his self-fascinated preoccupation with all that he is, and has done, and is yet to do. 

May J.D. and D.J. continue to gaze fondly into each others eyes, as their campaign proceeds, and may their narcissistic politics perish at the end, as Narcissus died at the pool.

What a relief it will be to release our politics from the danger that we, too, might be seduced into that gaze - a gaze that sees nothing but oneself, and one's own desires, and that cares nothing for everyone else. 

Up until last Sunday, I certainly didn't know I would be, but I am smiling, now, just like President Biden, and the Vice President he chose to run with him, and to replace him as required. 

That's a great picture, isn't it?

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