Monday, April 1, 2024

#92 / The Accumulation Story


Gareth Higgins is a writer from Belfast, Northern Ireland. He is now living in Asheville, North Carolina. Click the link to his name if you would like to find out what Wikipedia has to say about him. You can also click this link to be directed to Higgins' own website. That's his picture, above. 

In my time on the Santa Cruz County Board of Supervisors (1975-1995), I was often denominated the "no growth" Supervisor. That wasn't, actually, a completely accurate way to characterize the policies I advocated, but I definitely can be counted among those skeptical about "growth." 

"Bigger" is not always "better," in my opinion. 

It turns out that Higgins agrees. I found the statement below in a series of "Daily Meditations" from the Center for Action and Contemplation. I think Higgins is right. 

No fooling! (This is an April Fool's Day message). Let's pay attention!

Whether it’s bigger sofas or bigger houses or bigger jobs or bigger bank accounts or reputation or ego or a bigger empire, we don’t have to look too far to find the accumulation story at work. The more you think you need to accumulate, the bigger fence you need to build around yourself and the fewer people you will trust and let into your life.
—Gareth Higgins

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