Sunday, July 16, 2023

#197 / Going To Church With The Puritans


As you can probably deduce from the image above, Encyclopedia Britannica publishes an online bulletin providing subscribers with a series of "One Good Fact" emails, sent on a periodic basis. Click that link if you'd like to subscribe. Please be advised, however, that this does not seem to be a free service. Since I don't subscribe, I am not sure why I got the bulletin above, which I did receive on June 13, 2023. Even though I am not a subscriber, I was glad to get this bulletin, and it certainly gave me some insight into the kind of church services operated by the Puritans. 

I did have a thought, stimulated by this "One Good Fact" bulletin, although that thought has nothing to do with sleeping through a church service. 

What, I wonder, would be the modern equivalent for those persons slumbering through the existential crisis posed by global warming? What might "wake them up?" 

Can we tickle our citizens into action? Or, do we need to prod them with a hard, knobbed stick?

Whatever works, I say! It's time to wake up and pay attention!

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