My son, Philips, is advising a "hike of the week" program, as the New Year begins. In order to get a walking start on this proposed program (a "running start" is definitely beyond my capabilities), Philips suggested a simple stroll to the top of Mount Umunhum. This is an area newly-opened to the public, thanks to the Midpeninsula Regional Open Space District. Click on that Mount Umunhum link to get all the details.
To give you some of my own details, my hike with Philips and my grandson, Dylan Drottar, took place on December 27, 2017, the day after my birthday. Assuming that my iPhone is accurate, this simple stroll was 8.3 miles, up and back, required 20,182 steps, and had me climbing the equivalent of 59 floors.
I didn't faint or fail, although I did slip once, providing me with a badly-scraped forearm to document my endeavors. I was pretty sore on the subsequent day, too. For my next foray, I may try a different, less arduous hike, and I am already mentally reimagining the program as the "hike of the weak."
Seriously, I think my son is on to something! There is lots of time to think about politics as you climb those 59 floors!

Image Credits:
Gary Patton Personal Photos
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