Tuesday, April 7, 2015

#97 / Microfiber Pollution

The Guardian has called microfiber pollution of the marine environment, with such fibers originating from manufactured human clothing, "the biggest environmental problem you've never heard of."

Well, now you have heard of it! 

That's just one problem, of course. If you haven't already seen The Guardian's set of stunning and horrifying photographs on overpopulation and overconsumption, you can take a look at them right here, by clicking this link

And speaking about pollution of the marine environment (and that is where the microfibers are ending up), the following photo from The Guardian's series seems to indicate that there is a bigger pollution problem than microfibers alone. This photo was not taken in the middle of the Great Pacific Garbage Patch, either. This is from a remote bay on Java, Indonesia: 

Image Credits:
(1) - http://feelgoodstyle.com/2014/12/03/microfiber-pollution-clothing/
(2) - http://www.theguardian.com/global-development-professionals-network/gallery/2015/apr/01/over-population-over-consumption-in-pictures#img-7


  1. Editorial from a clothing company trying to build awareness about plastics in our oceans.


  2. The meaning of pollution can appropriately be found at a spot either at land or water which has been impeded by its dangers.https://www.healthpally.com/pollution-facts/

  3. it may possible.. ocean are being effected by our clothes.. pollution... air now in delhi


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