Thursday, July 5, 2012

#186 / Practical Civics

The image here, a hand-drawn copy of the Declaration of Independence, comes from a blog called Like Mother, Like Daughter. The specific blog entry with which this image is associated is titled, "Practical civics through partying." Click on the links, or the image, to check out this blog and the "civics through partying" idea. It does sound like fun to me, and it does seem "practical," though maybe not "enough."

My Fourth of July entry, yesterday, was to urge us to "reclaim" our government (rather than giving up on it). This is easier to say than to do.

Practical civics seems like a priority to me.


  1. Thanks for the link. Yes, families with a stake in the future must reclaim our government!

  2. Thank you, Leila! I really enjoyed learning about your family/community celebration in support of "civics."


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