I was going to title this posting "Restaurant Review #2." I liked the Giraffe Restaurants I encountered in London and Heathrow, and that led to my first "Restaurant Review." I found another restaurant worth mentioning, as I pursued my travels in Brazil, and I mentioned that one on my Facebook page, the "Quick Little Chickens" restaurant in Rio (actually called "Quick Galetos," which is the Portuguese equivalent). I was persuaded, however, in titling this review, to go to the heart of the matter, and in the spirit of full disclosure, I am calling this entry "Meat." That is what is served in the Las Lilias restaurant, located on Dique 3, Alicia Moreau de Justo, in Buenos Aires.
I think this may be the best "beef" restaurant in the world. It's worth the trip.
And the rest of Buenos Aires is pretty nice, too!
Great, thank for your review! In Vietnam, the restaurant always place some best charcoal for grilling to decorate and customers can use grill too. I don't know whether this restaurant have or not but I hope that. Thanks